Dallas Trial, Employment & FINRA Arbitration Lawyers

Trusted. Tested. Respected. This isn’t just a catchphrase, but the ethos by which Iacuone McAllister Potter PLLC (IMcP) practices law and fights for its clients. Joshua Iacuone, Greg McAllister, and Chase Potter left thriving practices elsewhere to join forces in creating IMcP as a firm wedded to these core values:

  • Trusted by clients;
  • Tested by experience; and
  • Respected by peers.

Practice Areas

Dallas Employment Blog

Law 360 discusses IMcP-led lawsuit: “Law Firm Helped Fintech CEO Undercut $1.7B Deal, Suit Says – Law360 Pulse” Today, Law 360 covered the lawsuit filed by the bankruptcy trustee (represented by IMcP) against Chapman and Cutler LLP. Chase Potter is lead counsel...

Media discusses IMcP representing investors against founders of bitcoin mining company In a lawsuit filed last week in Fort Worth, IMcP represents more than ten investors alleging fraud against the founders of a bitcoin mining company...

FINRA Arbitration – Beware the Chair FINRA arbitrations are decided by a Panel of three arbitrators, one of whom is the Chair.  The Chair is more than just 1/3 of a FINRA litigant’s...

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