Dallas Business Litigation Lawyer

The lawyers at IMcP are not just “business litigators.” We are trial lawyers who practice business litigation. That is an important distinction. Many litigators approach every lawsuit the same. They file pleadings, serve some discovery, and check the typical boxes. They do this with the goal of settling the case and avoiding trial. But that can only take you so far.

There is nothing wrong with settling a lawsuit before trial. In fact, that is often the best way to accomplish the client’s goals, remove the inherent risks of trial, and secure the best possible result. IMcP’s business lawyers always strive to achieve the best outcome for their clients in the most efficient manner possible (both from the standpoint of costs and time). However, in order to maximize the value of your claims (or diminish the value of your opponent’s claims against you), you need lawyers with real trial experience and who are not afraid to take the lawsuit all the way to jury verdict. IMcP’s business lawyers are those lawyers. IMcP’s business lawyers are aggressive, don’t back down from a fight, and love taking cases all the way to trial — and our opponents know it.

IMcP’s business lawyers are experienced in handling complex commercial litigation on both sides of the docket. They do not specialize in plaintiff or defendant work in their business litigation matters. Instead, IMcP’s business lawyers have extensive experience prosecuting affirmative claims or counterclaims and successfully defending against multi-million dollar claims. IMcP’s business lawyers regularly represent large companies, closely-held entities, entrepreneurs, executives, family-owned businesses, and other individuals and entities. These clients span numerous industries, including oil and gas, manufacturing, real estate, healthcare, retail, finance, transportation, and others. The issues and claims involved in the business litigation cases IMcP’s lawyers handle run the gamut of disputes that arise in the corporate world, including:

  • Breach of contract claims;
  • Tortious interference claims;
  • Trade Secret claims;
  • Fraud or fraudulent inducement claims;
  • Fraudulent transfer claims;
  • Intellectual property issues;
  • Claims asserted under the Texas Theft Liability Act; and
  • Conversion claims.

Our cases are often in state court and federal court, where the scope of cases requires experience. That experience helps protect the company’s trade secrets, business interest, and confidential information while still pursuing an aggressive approach.

IMcP’s business lawyers regularly go up against lawyers from some of the biggest law firms in the world representing some of the biggest corporations in the world. IMcP’s business lawyers are well-qualified and prepared to take on the challenge of being opposite well-respected attorneys from national or international law firms because IMcP’s business lawyers cut their teeth at those exact types of law firms.

One of the benefits of retaining IMcP to handle your business litigation matters is that IMcP’s business lawyers are not restrained by the bureaucratic red-tape that is inherently involved in large law firms with hundreds, if not thousands, of lawyers. For example, IMcP’s lawyers are entrepreneurs with significant discretion to tailor the rate structure and fee arrangement that makes sense for the specific client and case. The facts and circumstances may warrant a pure hourly rate structure, a contingency fee structure, or a hybrid structure (meaning a lower hourly rate plus a contingency fee component). The ability to tailor the fee arrangement to best fit the specific case and client is one of the many reasons IMcP is the “go-to” law firm for business litigation matters.

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