D Magazine Best Lawyers in Dallas - Greg McAllister
D Magazine Best Lawyers Under 40 - Chase Potter
Rising Stars - Chase Potter
Board Certified - Joshua Iacuone
Super Lawyers - Greg McAllister
The Best Lawyers in America - Greg McAllister

Law 360 discusses IMcP-led lawsuit: “Law Firm Helped Fintech CEO Undercut $1.7B Deal, Suit Says – Law360 Pulse”

Greg McAllister

Today, Law 360 covered the lawsuit filed by the bankruptcy trustee (represented by IMcP) against Chapman and Cutler LLP. Chase Potter is lead counsel, working closely with IMcP partners. The case is Seidel, Trustee v. Chapman and Culter LLP et al, No. 25-03037-mvl in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Texas.

Law Firm Helped Fintech CEO Undercut $1.7B Deal, Suit Says – Law360 Pulse

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